About Kipos

Kipos is an organization that has existed since 2014 in Thessaloniki, Greece. Kipos supports the development of adults and youth's potential, creativity, initiative, and social responsibility, through the acquisition of related knowledge, skills, attitudes and values. 


We offer a variety of seminars and workshops related to a variety of subjects, that we curate according to the interests and needs of our beneficiaries. 


We prioritize projects and collaborations in the field of human rights and supporting vulnerable groups such as women, migrants, people with disability, or the LGBTQ+ community.


At Kipos we bring the opportunity to learn and experience everything with joy and socialize with people with the same interests, from a variety of ages or backgrounds. Kipos empowers individuals to be actors in their own development and to participate actively in community life. 

Following the principles of non-formal education, life-long learning, creative thinking, active citizenship, and participation, Kipos is always seeking new ways to innovate in its practice to meet community needs.